COVID-19, October 2020 Update

Since reopening our doors in May, we have monitored the official CDC, ADA and OSHA sites weekly to ensure everyone’s health. We have followed all rules, regulations and recommendations made by these sites as updates have been made.

With the recent CDC update regarding “How COVID is spread’, we wanted to remind you that we are taking every precaution to protect you. The new statement has only clarified recommendations we have been following.  From the beginning of the pandemic we have practiced specific engineering controls.  The ventilation and filtration systems are continually running and we ensure adequate disinfection of each room prior to your arrival. Below is a list of the ways we have been and will continue to protect you and our team…

  • Full-time air cycling
  • Individual rooms for patients
  • 20-min room down-time for sterilization
  • Full-time facemask use in office 
  • High volume chairside evacuation
  • Requesting that patients arrive on time to eliminate patient-to-patient interaction

We will continue to update you all and adequately adjust our practices as more developments on the virus are presented. Please continue to wear a mask and practice proper social distancing.

– The Phillips & Schmitt Team

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