COVID-19 Update: May 5, 2020

We hope everyone is in good health and doing well.   After being faced with much uncertainty for the past month, we are all looking forward to getting back to a sense of normalcy.  While we are excited to open our doors again, there are many changes that we are implementing for everyone’s safety and want to share some of these with you.  Please refer to Information on COVID-19 for more in-depth information.

Our priority is always the safety of our patients, staff and community.  We are following the new recommendations regarding COVID-19 made by the American Dental Association (ADA), the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA).  We are actively monitoring these agencies to ensure our infection control procedures are current and adhering to each agencies’ recommendations.

As a result, you will experience some changes when it is time for your next appointment.  We ask for your cooperation and understanding to implement these changes.  For example:

  • Our office will communicate with you beforehand to ask some screening questions.  You’ll be asked those same questions upon arrival.
  • We will be taking the temperature of all persons coming into the building.
  • We have a hand sanitizer station that we will ask you to use when you enter the office.
  • Our waiting room will no longer offer magazines or beverages, since those items are difficult to clean and disinfect.  Seating is rearranged to allow for social distancing.
  • Appointments will be managed in consideration of social distancing between patients.  This might mean you will be offered fewer options for scheduling your appointment.
  • Access to facemasks is very limited so we ask that you please wear your own facemask to your appointment.

Although we are implementing many changes, our commitment to our patients will never change. We look forward to getting back to providing quality dental care to you and are excited to see you all!  Thank you for your trust, patience and understanding during this time.

Thank you, 

Dr. Schmitt, Dr. Phillips & The Phillips & Schmitt Team 

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