Dr. William Claiborne, Dr. Jennifer Boyland, and Dr. Douglas Phillips attended the Southern Academy of Periodontology annual meeting in Naples, Florida on June 21-22, 2019. Drs. Claiborne and Boyland of Biltmore Periodontics in Asheville, NC are both specialists in treating periodontal disease and placing dental implants to provide support for missing teeth. Dr. Phillips of Phillips & Schmitt, DDS in Asheville, NC works closely with them to plan restorative care for their mutual patients as a co-treatment approach to quality care. The topic for this year’s lecture was “Dental Implant Complications, Prevention, and Treatment“, given by Dr. Stuart Froum, a world-class expert on this topic. It is estimated that at least 10% of all dental implants placed have complications that need to be managed by the experts in order to achieve optimal oral health for patients that have dental implants.