Sedation. Helping you relax while you’re in the dentist’s chair.
A wide variety of ways to make your next appointment more enjoyable.

There aren’t a lot of us who look forward to even the most routine general dental procedure. If you could use a little extra help with the stress or anxiety of an appointment, simply tell us. Each of our doctors are trained and have ample experience in the latest sedation techniques. They’re perfectly safe, and help many of our patients relax and have a better clinic visit.

Sedation. Helping you relax while you’re in the dentist’s chair.

A wide variety of ways to make your next appointment more enjoyable.

There aren’t a lot of us who look forward to even the most routine general dental procedure. If you could use a little extra help relieving the stress or anxiety of an appointment, simply tell us. Each of our doctors is trained and has ample experience in the latest sedation techniques. Sedation is perfectly safe, and it helps many of our patients relax and have a better clinic visit.

From oral surgery to a routine visit, we can help you relax.

Making sure you’re comfortable and stress-free not only helps you; it helps us assess, perform, and provide the highest level of care. We start by listening carefully and sensitively to your concerns. Perhaps nitrous oxide analgesia or oral sedation can help calm your fears and lead to a better visit. Everything is done in a safe and secure environment, and we ensure your recovery is as fast as possible.

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