Another night of so-so sleep vs. a sleep apnea treatment.

Let us make that a very easy choice.

Chances are, you already know how important sleep is. It allows the brain a chance to essentially flush itself and reset. And it impacts a whole host of physical, mental, and emotional parts of us that probably aren’t getting enough attention in most of our lives. That’s why sleep apnea may be one of the biggest obstacles in your quest for a good night’s sleep and a healthier life.

Sleep apnea isn’t just about snoring.

Sleep apnea’s effects can be both pervasive and debilitating, leading to issues such as depression and weight gain, fatigue, and even lack of libido. The most common type is obstructive sleep apnea, or OSA, which is caused by the muscles of the airway blocking airflow. That in turn often wakes the sufferer repeatedly, preventing a more productive, restful sleep. Our resident expert, Dr. Phillips, creates custom-made oral appliances that gently reposition the lower jaw for a more open airway for breathing. Many people find these more comfortable and just as effective as bulky, loud CPAP machines.

Care to know more?

Harvard University has done extensive studies on the topic of sleep apnea. Please check out the Harvard Medical School Sleep Medicine Website for more educational information. For information on the American Association of Dental Sleep Medicine’s Standards of Practice for treatment, click here.

What is sleep apnea?

Sleep apnea is a disorder characterized by abnormal pauses in breathing during sleep. The most common type of sleep apnea is obstructive sleep apnea, which is caused by the muscles of the airway relaxing to the point that airflow is restricted. Each pause, called an apnea (literally: “without breath”), usually lasts between 20 and 40 seconds and can occur as often as 30 times an hour—even more in extreme cases.

Who suffers from sleep apnea?

Obstructive sleep apnea affects one out of five adults; yet 90 percent of these individuals are not diagnosed. They’re people of all ages and all body types. To determine your risk for health problems due to heavy snoring or sleep apnea, complete the brief questionnaire below.


My motivation is lower when I am fatigued

Exercise brings on my fatigue.

Fatigue interferes with my physical functioning.

Fatigue causes frequent problems for me.

Fatigue interferes with carrying out certain duties and responsibilities.

Fatigue interferes with my work, family, or social life.

I fall asleep sitting and reading.

I fall asleep watching TV.

I fall asleep when sitting inactive for a short period of time.

Fatigue Severity Quiz

If you answered YES to 1 - 3 statements, your health is at low risk and you are somewhat fatigued.
If you answered YES to 3 - 6 statements, your health could be at high risk and you are very fatigued.
If you answered YES to 6 - 9 statements, your health is at serious risk and you are dangerously fatigued. You should seek the advice of Dr. Douglas Phillips, Dental Sleep Specialist at Phillips & Schmitt, DDS to discuss solutions to address your specific needs.

How can Dr. Phillips help me with my sleep apnea?

Dr. Phillips works closely with sleep medicine physicians and primary care physicians to help eliminate snoring and sleep apnea issues for their patients. Our convenient on-site lab can fit you with a custom oral appliance that gently pulls your lower jaw forward, providing a more open airway for breathing. Many people find these appliances to be more comfortable than—and just as effective as—bulky, loud CPAP machines. The result? You (and your partner) rest comfortably, and you improve and preserve your overall health.

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