We understand that not everyone likes to come to the dentist, therefore in order to help alleviate your anxiety, we offer several options to make you more comfortable. We offer nitrous oxide, oral conscious sedation via a pill, as well as IV sedation. We encourage you to ask a few questions ahead of time if you find yourself facing a dental procedure that requires sedation. Let’s look into the kinds of questions you may ask prior to your appointment.
Will I Stay Awake?
When nitrous oxide is used you remain awake and able to talk, it simply relaxes you.
With oral conscious sedation you are in a slightly deeper state than nitrous alone. You feel sleepy and relaxed but are still awake and able to talk.
With IV sedation however you are in a “deep sleep” state. Your vital signs are monitored throughout the entire appointment with the help of an in-office anesthesiologist.
Do I Need an Escort to My Appointment?
Certain types of sedation require that you’re escorted to and from your appointment. With nitrous oxide, you will not need a driver as the effects of nitrous wear off within 3-5 minutes after discontinued use. You can even return to work after the effects wear off. With oral conscious sedation you do need a driver to take you to and from the appointment. Upon arrival to your appointment, you will be given a sedative pill and allowed to relax prior to beginning to allow the medication to take effect. The sedative lasts about 4 hours to allow adequate time for the procedure.
Lastly, when IV sedation is used we do require a driver to and from your appointment. We administer medication periodically via the IV and after the last dosage is given your body burns off the medication in about 20 minutes. A driver is recommended because for the rest of the day you will feel very sleepy and foggy.
Is It Safe?
Sedation dentistry has been proven safe for all healthy patients determined at your initial comprehensive visit. Certain pre-existing conditions may disqualify you from being a candidate for dental procedures with sedation. A thorough, accurate, and recent health history review will alert us to any concerns that may arise. When necessary, we will reach out to your physician to acquire medical clearance prior to moving forward with certain procedures requiring sedation.
We closely monitor your vitals throughout the entire appointment to ensure that you remain stable and comfortable.
It’s important to be transparent with your dentist about your health concerns so we can ensure that you are walking into your appointment as comfortable and confident as possible.